
  • Anyone else feel like January alone lasted an entire year? Just me? Well this January has been long and hard. Particularly the last two weeks have crawled at a snails pace with more vomiting, blow outs, and general exhaustion than I care to even think about. Ben has also been dealing with some scary health issues that we’re trying to take care of but a lot of it is just a waiting game. Luckily I’ve avoided the sickness but it’s never fun to watch your whole family get sick.

  • One thing that’s gone well is that I decided to do sugar free January. I’ve seen lots of bloggers promote this and this year I decided to go for it. I’ve been in the habit of eating a treat every night after the girls are in bed and my main goal was to get out of that habit. I’ve done sugar free “cleanses” before (one of which was incredibly strict, not even allowing fruit) and I didn’t want this to be a horrible experience so I allowed myself any natural sweeteners (agave, honey, etc), fruit, and dark chocolate. Ha! So dark chocolate is not sugar free but my challenge, my rules! And the dark chocolate bar I bought about a week into the challenge is only about halfway gone. I feel like that in and of itself is a sign that it’s gone well 🙂 I feel like I busted the habit and when Ben was like, “Only four days left!” I legit didn’t know what he was talking about ha!

  • The girlies (besides all the barfing and fevers) are doing well! Wendy has been helping more and more and she’s finally grasping colors (something that hasn’t really stuck until now). She’s been fighting nap time for awhile now and she has the sass to prove it. She can be a bit bossy when she’s tired but when she’s had enough rest she is just about the sweetest. Greta is growing too fast and I almost start crying when I think about how her birthday is only 2 months away! She’s so sweet but she definitely wants everyone to know if she’s been wronged. Watching those two girls play and make each other laugh makes me so happy.

  • I finally made that Instagram account for sewing (@kimblyrue_sews) and now that I’m diving in I’m realizing that there’s this huge sewing community on Insta that I never knew about-like whattt??? So so many talented sewers! It kinda makes me think, “wow I kinda suck.” It also makes me want to sew all the things! I’m trying to figure out how to balance it all. Unfortunately the girlies are at a stage and we live in a place that’s not really conducive to crazy amounts of sewing. Since we have limited space, any machine sewing requires me to completely take over our kitchen/dining area. Pretty much as soon as I start a project I get itching to get it finished so I can clean it up as soon as possible (babies, pins, scissors, fabric, sticky!). I’ve been sewing after the girls are down for the night and cleaning up when I go to bed (regardless of whether or not I’m finished). It can get a little tedious. Maybe someday I’ll have space to leave things out? I wanna sew more clothes and try to get better at it, but I’m thinking I should just stick to EPP for a bit  (which is very easy to keep contained). Do any of you have tricks for sewing/crafting in a small space?

2 thoughts on “January

  1. “she definitely wants everyone to know if she’s been wronged” hahaha!!
    I’m loving your seeing account! I’m so impressed with your apparel sewing skills!!


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